Friday, April 3, 2009

An Intro...

Hi all and welcome to my little makeup blog! Before we begin, let me tell you that I am NOT a makeup artist. It's definitely a route I'm thinking of taking in the near future but for right now, I'm just a woman that loves playing around with different looks. I never really used to be into makeup that much but over the past year I've gained a love for it and all of the things it can do.

Most of the looks for the time being will be with cosmetics that aren't...well...MAC. Nothing against them, but being a woman of very modest means, I tend to look for products that can give me the same UMPH! at a lower price. After all..."inexpensive" doesn't always mean "cheap". *winks*

Well, that's about it for the first post! All of my basics are in the profile, so...thanks for visiting and have fun! ^_^


Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration